Turret Jumper (PROTOTYPE) Mac OS

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  1. Turret Jumper (prototype) Mac Os X
  2. Turret Jumper (prototype) Mac Os Catalina

To start the circuit, connect a jumper wire from pin 10 on the Arduino. This is the point at which the Arduino starts talking to the circuit. You can use any numbered pin from the right side of the Arduino — just make sure your code refers to the correct one. To make sure the ideal amount of current flows through the LED, the resistor is needed.

The Apple IIGS (styled as IIGS), the fifth and most powerful of the Apple II family, is a 16-bit personal computer produced by Apple Computer.While featuring the Macintosh look and feel, and resolution and color similar to the Amiga and Atari ST, it remains compatible with earlier Apple II models. Order today, ships today. LTC3637HMSE#PBF – Buck Switching Regulator IC Positive Adjustable 0.8V 1 Output 1A 16-TFSOP (0.118', 3.00mm Width) Exposed Pad, 12 Leads from Linear Technology/Analog Devices. There's a source code leak, which may or may not be of a prototype. Revisional differences (first version: Windows Orange Box; last version: latest Steam update (Win, Mac, or Linux) or Android port. Internal comment node names. Unused Still Alive ASCII art, depicting a radio, companion cube, light bulb, claw arm, and personality core. The Mac DVR viewer software (CMS Lite client for Macintosh) for iDVR-E surveillance DVRs lets users remotely search, playback, and export CCTV camera footage that has been recorded to their DVR's hard drive. Users can run the Mac software on the same network as.



The Serial Basic is an easy to use USB to Serial adapter based on the CH340G IC from WCH. It works with 5V and 3.3V systems and should auto install on most operating systems without the need for additional drivers. It's a great lower cost option to the extremely popular FTDI Basic.

SparkFun Serial Basic Breakout - CH340G


The Serial Basic uses the CH340G IC to quickly and easily convert serial signals to USB. It works great with all of our products including the Arduino Pro Mini, our GPS modules, cellular modules, and many other devices that uses serial communication.

Required Materials

At a minimum, you will need the following materials to follow along with the tutorial. You may not need everything though depending on what you have and your setup. Add it to your cart, read through the guide, and adjust the cart as necessary.

USB micro-B Cable - 6 Foot


Jumper Wires Standard 7' M/M - 30 AWG (30 Pack)


Suggested Reading

This is an easy board to get started with, but, if you are not sure how serial works or have not used a terminal program before, you may want to checkout the following tutorials.

Serial Communication

Asynchronous serial communication concepts: packets, signal levels, baud rates, UARTs and more!

Serial Terminal Basics

This tutorial will show you how to communicate with your serial devices using a variety of terminal emulator applications.

How to Work with Jumper Pads and PCB Traces

Handling PCB jumper pads and traces is an essential skill. Learn how to cut a PCB trace, add a solder jumper between pads to reroute connections, and repair a trace with the green wire method if a trace is damaged.

Serial Basic Overview

The pinout of the Serial Basic mimics the common DTR/RX/TX/VCC/CTS/GND pinout found on hundreds of FTDI-to-USB derivatives.

Pin LabelInput/OutputDescription
DTROutputData Terminal Ready, Active Low
RXIInputSerial Receive
TXOOutputSerial Transmit
VCCSupply OutputPower supply 3.3V (default) or 5V
CTSInputClear To Send, Active Low
GNDSupply OutputGround (0V) supply

Alignment Markers

These GRN and BLK indicators are there to help you align the board properly with products that use this same pinout.

The Serial Basic mates seamlessly with products that use the standard serial connection. If you see a board with the BLK and GRN labels, then you know it will be compatible with the Serial Basic.

See the GRN and BLK labels on this nRF52832 Breakout?
Where did GRN and BLK come from? Way back in 2008, when we created the Arduino Pro Mini, we needed to have a pinout to allow serial bootloading. At the time, the best USB to TTL Serial device was the FT232 Cable. Its unpolarized connector could be flipped either way so we added the words GRN and BLK to the PCB to let folks know how to line up the colored wires. The practice stuck! Now, many boards use this standard.
The cable with colored wires

Voltage Selection Jumper

There is a jumper on the rear of the board that controls the output voltage on the VCC pin. By default, the board outputs 3.3V and has 3.3V signals. Changing this jumper to 5V will cause the board to output 5V on the VCC pin with 5V signals.

Jumper is default to 3.3V VCC and I/O

When the jumper is set to 3.3V, the board uses an onboard 3.3V regulator capable of sourcing 600mA. If you attempt to pull more than 600mA, the regulator will go into short-circuit shutdown where it will only output 150mA.

When the jumper is set to 5V, the board will source as much power as your USB port will provide.


There are two LEDs on the board connected to TX (Green) and RX (Yellow). This is a quick and handy way to see the serial traffic.

Hardware Test

To connect the board to a computer, you will need a standard A to micro-B USB cable. Plug the micro-B USB cable into a USB port on your computer and the other end into the Serial Basic. Your computer should automatically install the necessary drivers and create a COM port on your computer. If you are prompted for drivers, please see the Drivers section.

The quickest and easiest way to make sure everything is working is to do a TX/RX loop-back. To do this, insert a jumper wire between TX and RX. Anything that is transmitted from the TX pin will be echoed back to the RX pin.

Open your favorite terminal program. Select the COM port that the Serial Basic is assigned to, and connect. When you type a character, you should see each character you type echoed back in the terminal.

Which COM Port Do I Need?

Most programs will show you a description of the USB device that created the port. To verify that your driver is working, you can use a serial terminal, Arduino IDE, device manager, or command line.

Serial Terminal


Alignment Markers

These GRN and BLK indicators are there to help you align the board properly with products that use this same pinout.

The Serial Basic mates seamlessly with products that use the standard serial connection. If you see a board with the BLK and GRN labels, then you know it will be compatible with the Serial Basic.

See the GRN and BLK labels on this nRF52832 Breakout?
Where did GRN and BLK come from? Way back in 2008, when we created the Arduino Pro Mini, we needed to have a pinout to allow serial bootloading. At the time, the best USB to TTL Serial device was the FT232 Cable. Its unpolarized connector could be flipped either way so we added the words GRN and BLK to the PCB to let folks know how to line up the colored wires. The practice stuck! Now, many boards use this standard.
The cable with colored wires

Voltage Selection Jumper

There is a jumper on the rear of the board that controls the output voltage on the VCC pin. By default, the board outputs 3.3V and has 3.3V signals. Changing this jumper to 5V will cause the board to output 5V on the VCC pin with 5V signals.

Jumper is default to 3.3V VCC and I/O

When the jumper is set to 3.3V, the board uses an onboard 3.3V regulator capable of sourcing 600mA. If you attempt to pull more than 600mA, the regulator will go into short-circuit shutdown where it will only output 150mA.

When the jumper is set to 5V, the board will source as much power as your USB port will provide.


There are two LEDs on the board connected to TX (Green) and RX (Yellow). This is a quick and handy way to see the serial traffic.

Hardware Test

To connect the board to a computer, you will need a standard A to micro-B USB cable. Plug the micro-B USB cable into a USB port on your computer and the other end into the Serial Basic. Your computer should automatically install the necessary drivers and create a COM port on your computer. If you are prompted for drivers, please see the Drivers section.

The quickest and easiest way to make sure everything is working is to do a TX/RX loop-back. To do this, insert a jumper wire between TX and RX. Anything that is transmitted from the TX pin will be echoed back to the RX pin.

Open your favorite terminal program. Select the COM port that the Serial Basic is assigned to, and connect. When you type a character, you should see each character you type echoed back in the terminal.

Which COM Port Do I Need?

Most programs will show you a description of the USB device that created the port. To verify that your driver is working, you can use a serial terminal, Arduino IDE, device manager, or command line.

Serial Terminal

Look for the port associated with CH340.

Arduino IDE Ports

If you're using the Arduino IDE, figuring out which COM port is the one you want is more difficult. Here's the quick way to figure it out: attach the Serial Basic to your computer, and check which COM ports are listed. In the image below, we have two ports. Now close the Tool menu by clicking on the main Arduino IDE window.

Unplug the Serial Basic, and re-open the Tools->Ports submenu. You will see one of the serial ports is missing. That's the one you want! Plug your Serial Basic back in, and use that COM port.

Note: You need to close and re-open the tools menu before Arduino will refresh the port list. If you have the tool menu open simply click on the main window, then click back on Tools ->Port.

Windows: Device Manager

You can also verify that the board is installed if it shows up in your device manager. You can click the Start or (Windows) button and type 'device' to quickly search for the application. (*On Windows 10, the quick search function is picky on the spelling of the application you are searching for. For example, you may get results using '_devi_' and none for '_device_'.)

Screenshot of Window 10 Device Manager with Serial Basic on COM42. Click to enlarge.

Mac OSX: Command Line

To verify on a Mac via the command line. To open a command line window, head to your Applications folder, Utilities folder, then double-click on Terminal. Otherwise, press (Command) + space bar (Space Bar) to launch Spotlight and type 'Terminal,' then double-click the search result.

Run the following command 'ls /dev/cu*' in a Terminal and check for the following changes (your board may show up under a different device name).

You should get something similar as shown in the image below.

Screenshot of Mac OSX terminal with Serial Basic on cu.wchusbserialfd1410. Click to enlarge.
Note: If you are still unsure of how to access the Terminal, watch this video or read this Apple support article.

Raspbian: Command Line

Run the following command 'ls /dev/ttyUSB*' in the CLI/Terminal and check for the following changes (your board may show up under a different device name).

You should get something similar as shown in the image below.

Screenshot of Raspberry Pi CLI with Serial Basic on ttyUSB0. Click to enlarge

Drivers If You Need Them

The driver should automatically install on most operating systems. However, there is a wide range of operating systems out there. You may need to install drivers the first time you connect the chip to your computer's USB port or when there are operating system updates. For more information, check out our How to Install CH340 Drivers Tutorial.

How to Install CH340 Drivers

How to install CH340 drivers (if you need them) on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Resources and Going Further

Once you've got serial communication working, you're ready to start playing with serial projects. Consider connecting to a GPS module like the LS20031 (one of my favorites) and watching the serial strings roll by. Or, you can use the Serial Basic to program and debug devices like the Arduino Pro Mini. There are tons of devices that use serial to communicate, so go explore!

The Serial Basic programming an Arduino Pro Mini
Heads up! The image shows the Serial Basic connected to an Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V/8MHz. If you are using an Arduino Pro Mini 5V/16MHz, make sure to adjust the jumper pad for the voltage selection on the back of the Serial Basic.

Check out these other resources for the Serial Basic.

  • Datasheet (CH340G)
  • WCH: CH340 Drivers - Latest drivers can be found from the manufacturer
    • Windows (EXE) -- Driver executable
    • Windows (ZIP) -- Driver version 3.4 (2016-09-27)
    • Linux (ZIP) -- Driver v1.5 (2018-03-18)
    • Mac (ZIP) -- Driver v1.5 (2018-07-04)

Check out these other great SparkFun tutorials.

IR Communication

This tutorial explains how common infrared (IR) communication works, as well as shows you how to set up a simple IR transmitter and receiver with an Arduino.

OBD II UART Hookup Guide

Turret Jumper (prototype) Mac Os X

How to start working with the OBD-II Uart board.

MIDI Tutorial

Understanding the Musical Instrument Digital Interface.

MicroMod ESP32 Processor Board Hookup Guide

A short hookup guide to get started with the SparkFun MicroMod ESP32 Processor Board.

Introduction: Arduino Class: What You'll Learn

Arduino Class Table of Contents:

  • What You'll Learn (you are here)

Have you ever wanted to tinker with technology? Arduino exists to help creative people and techno-beginners build projects with electronics. As a platform, it fast-tracks users to success by helping ease the setup burden and learning curve usually associated with electrical engineering and computer science.

Arduino is the best way to get started with microcontroller programming and building your own circuits that sense and react to the world around them. In this class, we'll get creative with electronics and get comfortable with the concepts you'll use to launch your long and fruitful Arduino journey.

The name Arduino defines several layers of your experience:

  • software - used to compose your programs and communicate with the hardware, called an integrated development environment (Arduino IDE)
  • hardware - refers to the boards themselves (e.g. Arduino Uno)
  • programming language - the Arduino programming language is based on C
  • trademark - Other brands may manufacture Arduino-compatible hardware, but only some boards are official, and owning their trademark provides some unique protections. For instance, it allows the hardware and software to remain open source.

Arduino is also a huge global community, which means you'll find vast quantities of inspirational projects, sample code, and solutions to your problems online. The museum (salizzer) mac os.

The following lessons are designed to build your skills in Arduino incrementally over time, leaving you with enough basic knowledge to go out and create projects from your imagination. Wild wild cards mac os.

Early on, you'll do breadboard experiments to increase your familiarity with key concepts of electricity, components, and coding in the Arduino language.

Adding interactivity will be your next challenge. While you level up your hardware skills to add buttons and knobs to control your circuits, you'll also learn more programming concepts.

Then you'll acquire a variety of skills for building and programming, including soldering, understanding the power requirements of your Arduino projects, installing code libraries, and controlling a strip of addressable LEDs. You will graduate with the confidence to take on infinite Arduino projects in the future!

Step 1: Tools and Materials for Arduino

This lesson is a complete list of the supplies you'll need to complete this class. To make it a bit easier to get everything at once, I've created an Adafruit wishlist containing most of the components and tools. To get started with the bare minimum, you can complete most of the core exercises with the contents of the Adafruit Arduino Uno Budget Pack. If you're using a different kit, some of the components may differ from those shown in the photos throughout this class. You may also complete this entire class virtually, for free, using Tinkercad Circuits!

For the basic exercises:

  • Computer running Arduino software
  • Adafruit Arduino Uno Starter Kit
    • 2 small pushbuttons
    • 5 red diffused 5mm LEDs
    • Bright red, green, and blue LEDs (one each or an RGB LED)
    • 5 220-1K ohm resistors (all same value, any value within range OK)
    • 5 10K ohm resistors
  • Small DC motor, PN2222 transistor, and 1N4001 diode

To complete the Skills Infusion lesson (here's a great toolkit with almost everything you need):

  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Multimeter (optional but very handy)
  • Desoldering braid or solder sucker

Recommended vendors for Arduino components & accessories:

  • Adafruit (& distributors) (worldwide)
  • Arduino.cc store (worldwide)

Step 2: Understanding the Tools

Arduino Uno - This board is built around the Atmega328 microcontroller, with supporting components to make it easy to connect up your own circuits. The Uno connects to your computer with a USB A to B cable, which is commonly used for printers (boxy connector). For this class, it is acceptable to use a compatible stand-in for the Arduino Uno, such as a Sparkfun RedBoard or Seeeduino V4.2, just make sure you have the right USB cable.

Solderless breadboard - This device has strips of metal inside and many holes that allow you to connect components quickly and easily. A mounting plate is recommended, to keep the breadboard and Arduino Uno together. You'll connect to the Arduino with wires (breadboard wires are great but you can also use solid core hookup wire).

Electronic components - You'll create circuits by plugging LEDs and other components into your breadboard. This class introduces each new component with a basic exercise showing you how to wire it up and write an appropriate Arduino program. Components used: 5mm LEDs, resistors, a pushbutton switch, a potentiometer, and a small DC motor (with its own diode and transistor). Lessons cover the basics with an emphasis on writing code to interact with the components. For more in-depth information beyond what's covered here, please check out Randy Sarafan's Electronics class or LEDs & Lighting class. Ore miner 2 mac os.

Soldering tools - The Skills Infusion lesson teaches you how to connect wires to LED strip with a soldering iron, which heats the components enough to flow solder (an easy melting alloy) between them. Any basic iron will do! Wire strippers remove insulation to expose the conductor inside, pliers and tweezers help you position components, and a third hand tool helps keep everything steady. Flush snips do a great job trimming excess wires and component leads after soldering. Wear protective eyewear when soldering and clipping wires, and solder in a well-ventilated area.

RGBW NeoPixel strip - This digitally addressable strip contains WS2812b chips controlling compound LEDs in red, green, blue, and white. NeoPixel is the Adafruit brand name but you can also find this strip by searching for 'WS2812b RGBW strip' on your favorite supplier's site. The sample code provided in this class will not work with RGB (no white) strip, analog LED strip, or with any other kind of digital control chip (like APA104 aka DotStar).

Step 3: Software Setup

The Arduino IDE (software for composing code and sending it to your board) runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Head to the download page and click the option that best describes your system. While the software is downloading, connect your Arduino board to your computer with a USB A to B cable (flat to boxy, typically used for printers). The green LED next to the label ON should turn on, and the orange LED next to the label L should begin blinking.

Depending on your operating system, your software installation procedure will vary. On Windows, run the installer, which will also install the necessary drivers (provided your Arduino board is plugged in). On OS X, drag the Arduino app into your Applications folder (no drivers necessary). For more help with Windows if the installation doesn't go smoothly, refer to Arduino's detailed instructions. If you prefer not to download software, most of the class can also be completed using the Arduino Web Editor.

Open the Arduino application and load up the first code example by selecting File -> Examples -> 01.Basics -> Blink.

Next it's time to tell the software what kind of Arduino board we intend to program. Select Tools -> Board -> Arduino/Genuino Uno.

Then we need to select the communication port connected to the Arduino board. Select Tools -> Port, then whichever port name is labeled '(Arduino/Genuino Uno).' If none of your ports are labeled, try unplugging your board, checking the Ports menu, then replugging your board and checking the Ports menu again. Whichever port name disappears then reappears is likely to be your Arduino board. On Windows your port will likely be called 'COM3' (or higher numbers) and on OS X it's likely to be something like '/dev/cu.usbmodem1461.'

Now click the Upload button to transfer the Blink example code to the Arduino board. The LEDs labeled RX and TX will flash, and the software will show a message 'Done uploading.' Moments later the LED labeled L will begin blinking as it did when you first plugged it in.

Congratulations, you're ready to begin the next lesson, where we'll dig into the code you just uploaded, as well as build your first few LED circuits and discover how to control them using basic Arduino programming concepts.

If your port doesn't appear, or you get an error when trying to upload, refer to Arduino's detailed troubleshooting guide, which covers many other common issues.

Step 4: Arduino History

The origin story of Arduino is long and complicated, with more characters than Game of Thrones. I'll attempt to summarize it here, with a focus on the evolution of the hardware and community.

In the early 2000s, students and professors at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII) in Italy developed a new microcontroller board for use specifically by artists and designers. They held workshops and seminars using the boards throughout different iterations, which were programmed using Wiring, a creative coding platform developed by Hernando Barragán. Wiring easily allowed creators to program microcontrollers by providing a supportive software environment, a bootloader for easily uploading programs to the board, and a comprehensive online reference including add-on libraries and forums.

Some other members of IDII partnered with a manufacturer to develop a version of the hardware that used an Atmega8 microcontroller, and Arduino was born. The original Arduino team members' names can be found on the Arduino NG board pictured above: Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom Igoe, Gianluca Martino, and David Mellis.

The Arduino Uno we'll use in this class is the flagship development board of the Arduino brand, and it is the latest iteration in a long line of boards with a mission to make it easier for non-engineers to use.

Features accrued over time, and DIY upgrade tutorials also were published, when applicable. I recall hand-soldering a capacitor to two pads on my Arduino NG in order to take advantage of a new Diecimila update. The pin layout was consistent between boards (with some more pins added in later models) so that add-on shields could be backwards compatible. There's a full chronology about the board that became the Uno on the Arduino site.

Other boards with specialized functions have been released in the Arduino product line. Need more inputs and outputs? Use an Arduino Mega. Want a smaller circuit board and USB keyboard functionality? Use an Arduino Micro. And so forth. Official Arduino boards are all natively supported by the Arduino software.

For the enthusiast, it's possible to develop your own hardware that works with the Arduino software, too. Because Arduino is an ecosystem of open source hardware and software, it's possible to develop your own hardware that works with the Arduino software. It is also possible to build on the circuit to create a version to suit a more specific function, and manufacture and sell those designs. Because the plans have been freely available online, you'll see hundreds of Arduino-compatible boards designed by corporations and individuals alike, ranging wildly in function and complexity. Some are designed to be pin-compatible with the Arduino Uno, like the Sparkfun Redboard or Adafruit Metro. More compact boards for building tidy small circuits like the Pro Trinket and Pro Mini make it easy to translate your breadboard prototype to a finished project. Complex boards like the Huzzah (wifi), Touch Board (capacitive touch + audio playback), and Circuit Playground (beginner lessons baked into the board) empower beginners to accomplish very sophisticated projects with ease.

Arduino Class Table of Contents:

  • What You'll Learn (you are here)

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Turret Jumper (prototype) Mac Os Catalina

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